ニュースで学ぶ英語 No.6 英エコノミストが安倍首相の直面する2015年の課題を論評
- 2015/02/12 mizu_admin-karen
Shinzo Abe faces a pivotal year in 2015
January 29th 2015
The Japanese economy, under the guidance of “Abenomics”, the eponymous reflationary agenda championed by the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, performed poorly in 2014, dispelling previous optimism and causing the government to seek a fresh mandate from voters in December.
Eponymous 【形容詞】名前のもととなった、名祖となった
Reflationary 景気浮揚の
dispel 【他動】~を追い払う、払いのける、追い散らす、払い去る、払しょくする、(疑いを)晴らす、消散させる、一掃する
mandate 【名-1】(選挙民から議員などへの)委任、負託 マンデート
Mr Abe and his allies at the Bank of Japan (BOJ, the central bank) had spoken confidently about winning Japan’s 20-year battle with deflation and simultaneously lifting its trend rate of economic growth. The early signs were positive. Flexible fiscal policy and aggressive monetary loosening were deployed in 2013. The yen weakened, boosting the value of exports and contributing to a rise in consumer price inflation. Corporate profits and business sentiment rose in response.
Bank of Japan (日銀)
flexible fiscal policy 金融緩和政策 柔軟な金融政策
However, lacklustre attempts to deliver structural reform and the economy’s inability to shrug off a rise in the consumption tax have led to another technical recession and more anxiety about inflation.
Lackluster 【形-1】つやのない、精彩を欠いた【形-2】活気[元気]のない
shrug off 【句動】~を払いのける、~を脱する
Nevertheless, Mr Abe began 2015 in good spirits. His surprise decision to call an early election was vindicated, as his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its ally, Komeito, maintained its two-thirds majority in the lower house. Mr Abe’s instinct that the weakness of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan would outweigh the failings of Abenomics in voters’ minds proved correct.
Vindicate 【他動】~の疑惑や汚名をすすぐ[そそぐ]、正当性を立証する
instinct 【名-1】本能、直感
The only fly in the ointment was the dismal turnout, which, at around 52%, was a record low. This suggests that a large part of the electorate remains largely apathetic towards Mr Abe and his government, despite their handsome majority.
a fly in the ointment (1) 玉にきず 《★聖書「使徒行伝」から》.(2) (楽しみの)ぶち壊し.